Archer School Apartments
Charleston, SC

Studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for seniors!
Rents from $1028-$1778
Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm.
Please feel free to stop in for a tour during office hours.
We currently only have units available for households earning 80% Area Median Income (AMI). 60% AMI units have been fully leased. Stay tuned for more information about the availability of 30% AMI units. Rents are calculated based on income levels. Please reach out to the property manager to see if you qualify.
Managed By:
JDC Management
A division of James Doran Company
Historically preserved features
Internet enabled community rooms
Fitness center
On-site laundry center
Off-street parking
Parking garage
Handicap units
Hardwood floors
Central heating/air
Walk-in closets
Convenient location
Controlled access entry
1 BR
2 BR
Marketplace Food Assistance Program
Social and recreational activities
Health and wellness programs
Financial seminars
SC Housing LIHTC
SC State Abandoned Building Tax Credit
City of Charleston
Charleston County
Sugar Creek Capital
Climb Fund