Our emergency financial relief program
ShelterNet was created in 1995 to offer emergency financial assistance to people who are vulnerable to losing their housing. Funds can be used to pay past-due rent or utility bills. Recipients can receive ShelterNet funds once in a twelve-month period. Currently, the ShelterNet program works in Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties in South Carolina.
ShelterNet Referral Organizations
If you are in need of assistance, please contact one of our partner ShelterNet Referral Organizations (SROs) listed below:
applications@thenavigationcenter.org, (855) 355-1200
Latosha Jenkins-Fludd, fluddl@charleston-sc.gov, (843) 579-6399
Mariquetta, Barnett, barnettm@charleston-sc.gov, (843) 513-4125
Kacie Marcus-Rupert, kmarcus@originsc.org, (843) 628 3000
Letiandrea Hinton, letiandrea_hinton@fetterhealthcare.org, (843) 408-1929
Summerville - Torie Brame, tbrame@tuw.org, (843) 695-4261
Berkeley - Latoya Lewis, llewis@tuw.org, (843) 207-4201
Andrena Demmons, andrena.demmons@va.gov
Jacqueline Conyers, jconyers@chacity.org, (843) 720-3970
Kelley Mitchell-Waring, kmitchell-waring@neighborstogethersc.org, (843) 747-1788
Eulonda McCanick, eulonda_mccanick@charleston.k12.sc.us, (843) 559-4500
How does it work?
Scroll down to learn more about the steps involved in acquiring assistance.
Support ShelterNet
It takes as little as $300 to protect a family from eviction, but as much as $3000 to rehouse them once they have become unhoused.
ShelterNet depends on contributions to assist people who are vulnerable to becoming unhoused. To date nearly 60,000 people have received payments.
Every single donation has an immediate impact—donations made today help protect a family from eviction or losing their utility service tomorrow.
Home to Stay Resources
Our aim is to help families stay in their homes. Discover our list of helpful educational and financial resources. Visit our Resources List
“…I could not have helped my client and her family keep their home without you. I am so glad we have wonderful agencies like yours around…”
Charleston County DSS
Step 1
Contact one of the ShelterNet Referral Organizations (SROs) listed above to complete the application. Clients seeking assistance should not contact ShelterNet directly.
How It Works
Step 2
The SRO will assist in completing the application and submit it on your behalf. Application documents may include: a picture ID, proof of gross monthly income from all family members currently employed, and copies of the delinquent utility bill, disconnection notice, or eviction notice.
Step 3
ShelterNet staff will review the application. If the application is approved, the SRO contact will be informed of approval.
Step 4
Assistance checks are mailed to the billing source such as the landlord or the utility company, usually within ten business days. Checks will not be sent to the client.